It’s the most wonderful time of the year.
A letter tied with string with heart shape printed, placed on a dark background
Taking a look at seasonal promotions
Throughout the year we see advertising campaigns around Valentine’s Day, springtime, Easter, summer, holidays, Black Friday or CHRISTMAS.
I subscribe to a few newsletters from places I’ve bought things. I’ve noticed over the years they take into consideration the consumer. If it’s Valentine’s Day, Father’s Day, Easter etc they ask you to opt out or in for the next few weeks. Kind of considerate of them.
But when companies are ready to sell they will - it is business after all. Here’s a round-up of those seasonal times of the year.
Create New Opportunities for Growth with Seasonal Promotional Designs
Christmas, Easter, Halloween, Black Friday... All of these seasonal events are major traffic generators for websites and social media. But are you making the most of that traffic and making every effort to increase sales during those times?
As a business or a freelancer, you can utilise seasonal promotions to create new opportunities for growth and success. Also, how targeting seasonal interests can help your brand remain relevant all year round.
Preparation of Annual Reports
As we kick off the new year, we must start preparing for the end of the financial year by April. Annual reports will be out by March 31st. And instead of waiting for that last-minute rush, you can start planning as early as now.
If you're not sure where to start, you can engage a graphic designer who can help create a design template for your business. A detailed design brief will help establish the scope of work needed and contribute to a successful annual report.
Annual report graphics displayed on a tablet and on paper
2. Valentine's Day
I know it can be very ‘ick’ but you could turn it into something slick. There are consumers out there that will buy for their loved ones. For that reason, you can offer your customer unique gift ideas tailored to your customer's needs or even a quick Valentine's Day-themed redesign for your website or create a landing page for a special offer.
3. Independence Day
July 4th is technically a US holiday. But many other countries have their celebrations in July. Therefore, you can use the date for your locale and host sales events with Independence Day-themed graphics.
4. Easter/ Spring
The arrival of Spring comes with the return of warmth and a promise of renewal. It's often that time of the year when people clean their houses, and retail businesses do their own cleanings. For instance, you could offer steep discounts on winter merchandise. Also, you can use this time to rebrand your business and explore a new direction with your logo and website design.
Happy family painting eggs, girl with pink rabbit ears.
5. Halloween
Halloween is celebrated by billions of people worldwide in one way or the other. When the day is around the corner, you could add a countdown timer to your site promoting an upcoming sale. That will build anticipation for the upcoming event and get people excited about what's coming.
Also, let’s not forget that companies will promote their goods on websites such as Press Loft. If you are on the hunt for images or products to sell have a look here - they also have free images to download - but do credit the company/manufacturer.
How creative are these velvet pumpkins on the steps of a front door? Created by Rockett St George
Cupcakes with a pumpkin decoration
6. Summer
When the weather starts getting better, it's finally time to take a break and recharge. This is ideally the best time to sit down and improve your business strategy. In fact, you should consider using a graphic designer to build a stronger brand image, create awareness for your brand and communicate your brand's value to your potential and existing clients.
7. Autumnal
Autumn is the perfect opportunity to promote your business. There's nothing quite like a build-up to autumn's cooler weather. That makes it the ideal time to re-invent your marketing season to reflect the weather outside. The best way to stay up to date is to work with a graphic designer who'll tweak the theme on your site and company brand without losing its original voice.
8. Black Friday/ Cyber Monday
Black Fridays and Cyber Mondays generally inspire a shopping spree in most customers. But without the proper marketing strategy, your business will easily miss out. A graphic designer will easily help you design a sneak peek post, help you release a new product, and create the perfect twist promo for your sales.
9. Christmas
On Christmas, even Google transforms its logo to bring in a touch of the festivities. So, why can't you do the same? You must could enhance your website's theme to reflect the current festive season. Christmas spirit themes push potential clients to dive deeper into what awaits them on your site.
How about spreading the festive vibe of good will. Do you work with a local or national charity? Let people know where they can donate.
And that's not all! Last one I have thought about…
10. New Year's Eve/Day
This holiday marks the perfect opportunity to say, 'out with the old, in with the new.' This could be the tone of your offer and of course, the sales will start on new years day.
So those were the 10 points I highlighted to bring some ideas to your services and offers. Still in line with your company's tone, colours, shapes, icons, etc you can create graphics to enhance those sales.
Fireworks in night sky over a cityscape
I’m Ange a freelance graphic designer and I can help with your designs.
I specialise in both print and digital design, I aim to help businesses enhance their visual appeal by creating compelling and distinct designs.
If you are interested in learning more about my services and how I can assist your business, please feel free to contact me via direct message, and we can discuss your design needs further. Hit the button below!