Goodbye 2023, Hello 2024
My year in 12 steps:
1, I went on a fabulous trip to Mexico
2. I had a fab time at Atomicon*
3. I was made into a meme with Sophie - editor of Freelancer Magazine at the above event!
At teh Atomicon event in Newcastle. Bonus - the weather felt like the French Riviera!
4. I made lots more connections online and in person, which also led to new clients. Also worked alongside Ayo Abass as a co-mentor - thanks Ayo.
5. I celebrated my 50th in style over many weeks.
6. I went to how many events? LOTS - Adobe Firefly launch, Enterprise Nation Live, Atomicon, Digital Women Live, SMMMeetup, Hive, Copy Con X, InClusion online networking, Being Freelance Mini Golf and Freelancer Magazine Xmas Party. They helped me keep going as freelancing can be lonely - good to meet people in person and continue learning.
7. I met Chris Do in person - twice! Once at the Adobe Firefly Event in London and the other in Newcastle at the Atomicon event. What are the chances?
At the Adobe Firefly event in London
8. I started a LinkedIn newsletter - I have 569 subscribers. I also have my ‘Font Love Friday and Other Designery Things’ Newsletter, which is the full version.
9. I opened an online shop.
10. Hosted Freelancer magazine coworking sessions online and one in person in London
11. I have shared 22 design tips, and there is more to come!
12. and I've drunk 5,094,876 cups of Yorkshire tea! (claimed by data I just made up)
BUT remember, I'm showcasing some of my best moments here; keep in mind that I, too, have had my struggles just like everyone else. 🙂
So, as we step into 2024, I urge you not to measure your 2023 against mine or anybody else's. Each of our journeys is individual and filled with our own set of challenges and triumphs.
You Do You and try to enjoy your journey.
Happy New Year
Ange 🌈
#LyonsCreative #EndOfYearReview #Freelancing
*Affiliate link - in open transparency, I will get some money if you use my link.