What is a lead magnet?

In short, a way of attracting your audience. Zapping them towards you - with your magnetic energy.

Not with actual magnets. How can you do that? With a lead magnet - it is a market term.

A lead magnet is a piece of content or offer that is used to attract and capture leads, typically in exchange for contact information such as an email address. It can be an effective way to build your email list and gain potential customers.

Create the content for your lead magnet.

To use a lead magnet in your business, first, create a piece of valuable content or offer that is relevant to your target audience. Say for example you are a fitness trainer, you could have a video where you can show people how to do a pre and post work out stretch. If you are an accountant you could have a PDF with key accounting dates or terms in a downloadable PDF. For any profession, you can have some sort of lead magnet.

You would typically provide the lead magnet once you have captured the data* you require from your potential audience.

Tell the world about your offer.

Promote the lead magnet in various places, such as social media, email, or paid advertising. When a person expresses interest in the lead magnet, they are directed to a landing page where they can provide their contact information in exchange for access to the content or offer. This allows you to capture their contact information and add them to your email list for further nurturing, marketing and hopefully customers.

Here are some ideas you can use lead magnets in various ways:

  1. An E-book or white paper on a relevant topic

  2. Webinar or video training series

  3. Checklist or template as a PDF

  4. Free trial or demo of a product or service

  5. Access to a private community or forum

  6. Discount code or special offer

  7. Email course or newsletter subscription

  8. Quiz or assessment to identify areas of improvement

  9. Consultation or coaching session

  10. Access to a limited-time, exclusive content or resource.

Remember to have some great eye-catching graphics to promote the lead magnet on social media.

I have 3 lead magnets that I hope help my audience and they are here:

Website Design Checklist
Creating a website for your business can be a daunting task, but with the right planning and preparation, you can ensure that your website is both visually appealing and functional. To help you get started, I created this website design checklist. It can be used as a guide to start planning your website. You can download it here.

Business Brand Checklist
Before I start our conversation with a potential client I have created a simple downloadable PDF guide to get the ideas flowing and it will give me an idea of what is needed for a project. If you would like to have a copy you can download it here.

Daily Checklist for Freelancers
Working for yourself is rewarding in so many ways. From being the master of your own time to working for the clients that you can choose. But you must manage your own business too! How many hats do you wear? From doing your accounts to being your own social media manager.

I have created a simple checklist for parts of your biz to focus on and the jobs that might need doing.
Download the free PDF for the nudge you might need to get things done.

With all of these, they lead to a form to a download page. I also add the viewer to my newsletter mailing list. I have made it clear that they can unsubscribe at any time.

I hope that has helped you understand what a lead magnet is. And if you need help writing or planning yours. I work with fantastic copywriters that I collaborate with. I create the designs - they create the words.

Do contact me if you would like to talk further. Hit the button below.

*data. Before you start collecting personal data check that you are GDPR compliant and see the ICO website.

Hi! Thanks for reading!
I’m Angela Lyons and I am the founder and graphic designer at Lyons Creative. I specialise in both print and digital design, I aim to help businesses enhance their visual appeal by creating compelling and distinct designs. I also help freelancers and share my experiences of freelance life.
If you are interested in learning more about my services and how I can assist your business, please feel free to contact me via direct message, and we can discuss your design needs further. Hit the button below!


Should I start a newsletter?


Showcasing Your Freelance Skills with Confidence