Goodbye 2022 and Hello 2023

There are lots of posts doing the rounds of 2022 highlights – if you fancy a quick read here are mine.

First off thank you to everyone who has supported me this year, from my husband (my sounding board), family, friends, and clients.

This year I lost a very close family friend and two family members. So, whilst I celebrate my wins, I feel blessed to be here to share them. Here goes:

⭐ Celebrated my tenth year in business. WOW! Freelancing for ten years, happy I’m still doing it and I love that I continue to learn from others.

 ⭐ Updated my brand Lyons Creative – designed and launched my website.

 ⭐ Became confident online, but still not sure about video – maybe I’ll work on that for 2023. I am not Tik Toking!

Angela Lyons ten years in business Highlights of 2022

Featured in:
3 newsletters, 2 podcasts, 2 newspaper articles, took over a Twitter feed on International Women's Day and hosted a Twitter hour for ContentClub UK.

 ⭐ Started a newsletter – Font Love Friday and Other Designery Things. I have just over 130 subscribers – thank you! It’s been fun writing about fonts, design and freelancing.

 ⭐ Award winner ⭐:
Graphic Designer of the year at the Digital Women Awards held at the Ivy in London.
Also, at the same awards, I came runner-up as Freelancer of the Year.

⭐ I won Non Employee Of The Week (NEOTW) by Being Freelance – thanks Steve. What an honour to have the mug and biscuits of my choice as the prize.

⭐ I cycled a lot more and had fun times with BWOW. My longest cycle was at Ride London and completed the 60-mile route.

⭐ The year was topped off by Freelancer magazine making the Do One Thing Well List

⭐ Met the most brilliant people online and in person:

Freelancer Magazine Wednesday morning virtual co-work sessions, The Digital Women community, The International Magazine Centre, The Marketing Meet Up. Also, with my friends Bhavini Lakhani and Tom Garfield, we organised a Freelancer Christmas Party in London. It was awesome meeting people IRL and we managed to raise £200 for the charity Shelter – thanks to those who contributed.


Hello 2023

⭐ Planning - I got up early yesterday morning and I planned for next year. Not the whole of it but the first 90 days. I used Matthew Fenton’s Winning Solo strategic plan worksheets. I found it helpful to write things out that have been swimming in my mind for the last few weeks.

I like his newsletter - it is out every other Sunday. Check it out and you can see the worksheets here

⭐ If you don’t have resolutions, plans or goals for 2023, how about writing down your wins throughout the year – small or big. They are yours and it reminds you of the proud pat on the back moments you have completed over the year.

That’s it for now. Thanks again for taking the time to read this and other posts I have created this year.

 Phew, only a few hours left of 2022. Have a good one and see you in 2023!


Colour Theory – pick a colour, any colour.


Should I hire a freelance graphic designer?