I think I am a forever student

Like a curious Magpie that has found something. I love signing up for courses and picking up something new. Learning has been a big deal for me as school could have been so much better. But that was years ago and since then I’ve always wanted to learn more, do more, pick up more ideas.

At school they can’t teach you everything, as we know, they point you in the direction and then off you go. Last Friday morning leaving the gym, I saw a group of school children heading into the pool. I thought bless them, are they really going to learn to swim? Because after 15 minutes getting changed, five minutes chatting to their friends, another 10 minutes getting into the pool the lesson will be over. Did they learn anything, get quality swim time lessons in? I’m not knocking it as that might be the child’s only chance to learn or experience the water. I know as this happened to me as a child. School swimming lessons were so short, and I never really got to learn. Years later, I signed up for an intense ‘learn to swim’ course and took adult swimming lessons. Yes, it can be embarrassing, you feel nervous, the thoughts of what am I doing here keep going through your mind but each week you go back, get better and then boom — you can swim. Lessons done! Pretty decent now as it happens, money well spent.

After graduating with my Product Design Degree at Central Saint Martins, I went on a graphic design course. I knew I didn’t want to be a product designer, I was not really enjoying it, but I loved presenting my work visually. So, after graduating I thought I know I’ll do a course in Graphic design. Ha! That course worked because I’ve been at it for over 20 years and celebrating my tenth-year freelancing/business owner this April. That course worked and was worth the money.

Since then, here are a few courses that have had my time:

App building course — A few years ago leaders in design were going on saying that everything was going digital, and I had to increase my skills, as print was going to die. So, I took the course in web design and app building, thinking I’d become a tech whizz. I’m not and I still work in print design, but I know about wireframes and I can build a WordPress or Squarespace website — that’s a small win.

Sewing course — Again having grand ideas. The plan was to would create my own soft furnishings in my new home. Erm — after four weekends at the City Lit behind the sewing machine, I had made two cushions and then took a trip to IKEA to purchase the curtains.

French — My parents are Saint Lucian, and they speak broken French and I’ve always wanted to speak the language fully. After several attempts at evening classes, I stopped attending. I think as they were in the evening I would either be: a. too tired or b. someone would coax me into going to a drink after work — c’est terrible.

Personal training ­– I love to exercise. I taught a few circuit classes but never took them further. But what I learnt is useful to me and my training.

Maths — It was the only subject I failed in school, and this has bugged me for years. But I took this up again recently — for my two children to help with lessons — I passed this one! Funny thing is that I did not really help them much with my knowledge because by the time I’d finished the course they knew more than me! Also, I sent them to Kumon classes. They hated it. But then loved it when it all clicked and now are little math whizzes — they can thank me later.

Calligraphy — Which I love practising, it is so calming. No tech — just pen, paper and ink. I make lots of mistakes, but sometimes they turn into something unexpected. During the first lockdown I took up Calligraphy — I think that, and my garden kept me sane.

Courses I’m currently on:

French — Duolingo app (yes trying again) I’m currently on a 46-day streak c’est magnifique. Calligraphy — I wish I had more time to do this regularly — it’s on SkillShare and I can log in any time.

Writing — Just signed up for a one-to-one writing course. This I am really looking forward to.

Also, not a course as such but joined #write52 check them out on Twitter. This is my first entry — I’m not a writer so thanks for reading if you got this far.

Think I’m trying to say that I take these courses as I really don’t know where they will lead me, but I’m always will give something new a go and see where it does.

Signed up to any courses and any new paths opened?


Design exhibit and the Pride flag at V&A


10 years in business